Saturday 30 June 2018

Day 17/18- Iron chef and squishy bugs!

Yes it has been a couple days but I was tired from a walk to the store and then the hours on end that I spent cooking. I made a noodle soup, spaghetti sauce, and two massive stirfrys. My freezer is full my fridge is damn near empty again and that is how I like it.

Yesterday I took my squishy little bug to school and well sorta..... treated him as I did Moana and he didn't do so well. Okay I may have ignored him while I was cooking too. Either way it was far too long to leave a squishy bug alone so he was squished. Lesson learned I will be either playing with his clock or pausing while I am at school. Since I plan multiple runs with him so we will play the field and see which method I like more. Anyways I always name my Morino Felix, I don't really know why. So last night he was reborn and again I chose the white egg and out came a cute baby worm. A worm that I am waiting very patiently to evolve. This go around I am trying to keep his weight as high as possible. So I play games then feed him, and I cancel the game if it looks like I may lose. All the name for a fat bug!

Today Moana is 22 years old and she is apprehensive at best about the little bug. Yesterday she was 21 and since we forgot her celebration of reaching 20 she played with her trumpet. So she can toot her own horn about how awesome it is that she had become 2 decades old! In three days she will be a quarter of a century. She will be 25! I say will with a sense of optimism. I have always been an optimist.

And my Ps I have started a new mission, mission retro change this is 100% a fan made VDP+ made by the fabulous Mr. Blinky team. And I Think it is high time that I enjoy this flashback to the past besides I am running my Morino.

And my Mix is an adult so it is high time he gets hitched also. That kikitchi face! You now kuchipatchi wasn't this bad. Well let's home that mimitchi the glorious can help erase the Kikitchi curse! Now time to study and try to study and watch a video game play through maybe to help or maybe just netflix who knows my concentration has been shit lately so time to power through

Thursday 28 June 2018

Day 16 - and I spent a lot of money

That's right I did on supplements and food as without I would not suffer in silence. And I suffer from a disease that makes it a lot harder for my digestive system to break food down and absorb all those nutrients so I need a whole host of supplements.... really they are expensive why is being healthy so damned expensive?

Anyways..... Moana is age 20 and she survived her very first shopping trip where I have a long ass walk there go shopping and a long ass walk back carrying all the food.  I alas do not have pictures because she is doing the most old lady thing ever on such a day... she went to bed early. I can say a lot about my granny, but a party animal she is not.

My famitama fam jam evolved! And they are all adults whom I have never had and I have no idea what their names are... but I really don't wanna run this tama I wanna run something very different I am thinking a vintage. My morino. This is one of my favourite versions to run. And now I am getting up and going to get to it. Or no I'll finish typing then go.

And the colours. Well I finished the dinsey change challenge that's right shiromotchi my goofy little tama got his last puzzle peice (well he had to do this song and dance of yay we have one more and the yay we have 4 song and there is no way to skip the song and it was just rude I was trying to set his clock back so I could you now leave for work....)

And my mix is a teen! And I have no pictures! Cuse well I am tired

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Day 15 - is it the Wifi or the netflix?

As you can guess netflix is having some issues where the video is very choppy and the question is is it the wifi or the netflix itself? Who knows! But it is annoying me and so here I am telling the whole world what is annoying me today. While I am at it I have a mild headache and I need a nap.

So on to the real babies here and not the whiny human being in charge of them. Moana is 19 years old today that's right one more day until she is 20 years old. So stay tuned for that celebration. She has had a low key day hanging out in my pocket mostly just doing her old lady thing.

The fam has been doing not so great but they aren't dead and isn't that what matters. They are still teens.

My Mix is now an adult, and damn that kikitchi face just seems to be ever lasting. But that means time for the match maker so little miss Elsa married Mametchi (I am trying to mix with every adult once before mixing with them again and I had three left after mametchi 2). And right now I have a very red baby boy.

And as promised a goofy picture! And This goofy guy is my final adult for the disney change challenge! Cue mauis applauds please (so he can say your welcome).

Day 14 - Light Weight

That's right Moana is a light weight but that is nothing to be ashamed of. She is also 18 today which means we have 2 more days until I get to celebrate. I have a feeling that the Odds are in my favour. I love how there is sake on the ketai it adds some grown up realism to my granny who lives on my pocket. Don't worry she didn't let the Famitama kids see her get all wibbly wobbly.

Speaking of the family they are now teenagers. Bakutchi, ichigotchi, and korokotchi. So far they seem to be an okay bunch they aren't  rag tag team but all together to save the world or something. Fun fact about ichigotchi she is one of my favourite teens as also looks like food.

And now on to the colours my Ps and my Mix!
My mix is now a teen and alas I did not take any pictures, but you will definitely see the family picture when she is all grown up!

And on my Ps... Shiromotchi! And his disney change is the most bizarre one yet, the others all looked decent, and well this one just looks goofy! Again pictures are to come later

Monday 25 June 2018

Day 13 - luckily not a friday!

Today was a weird horrible day, first I stayed home sick got some bad news about my cat and learned some good to know info about my digestive system.
So Moana has been my rock and she is as steady as the ocean winds. She needs for nothing and wants for nothing. Today she is 17 years old. Three years shy of being 20. I celebrate the milestones. Every 5 years, as 5 day intervals is a whole lot easier to digest than a very large number like 100 and this way I get lots more to celebrate.

My famitama is doing good they are now toddlers mousetchi, bellutchi and mattaritchi. And they have 20% bonding which means they no longer look around like who the hell are these people now the eldest son comes up to the screen!

on my Ps I was so close to running my pink one instead of continuing with my green but I stuck with it and did the three way connection (5 times or more) in order to (hopefully) get shiromotchi the adult whom I wish was what the minions looked like instead of the blobs that they are

And on to my Mix! I pulled my anniversary mix out and decided why not? I was on generation 22 and i Had started it late march (the 25th) and took a break through most of June (for my plus colour) and I had an adult so it was time to get him a bride and we chose the ninja princess Shifurehimetchi that is a mouthful for sure.

Sunday 24 June 2018

Day 12 (its been a few days I know)

I have been suffering from an insane sinus headache.... which is the reason for lack of updates and pictures. And surprisingly enough no one died usually when I get this bad a tama gets tabbed or they die. None of that has happened yet. I am thinking of tabbing one to start another one... but that's future me's news.
Alright so lets dive right into my Ps, Kiramotchi got her final puzzle piece and I was able to take her to the matchmaker and she had a boy that's right the final adult needed for my disney change madness is a boy. And yes he may be a secret adult but that doesn't change a thing. I have three Ps so bring it. 
And on my plus colour I have mametchi and I am feeling how I always do, I wanna tab it or run something else it might be the headache talking cuse I am feeling it for a couple of my tamas.

And my V2 Molly had a visit from the match maker and now she has a baby boy and this is the one that I have been thinking about tabbing. It's not like I don't love it. It is one of my favourite versions I think I need some variation especially since the plus colour and the V2 run similarly and I had a long run with my V3 so I think that's why. 

And now we have Moana my amazing rock star. Aside from the light switch incident that we know all about she has been a champ. She lets me nap. And she hasn't had a care miss or what I call a near miss. Her meters only went down to a single heart once. And every once in a while she makes herself dizzy to make me smile and distract me from my jerk of a cat. 

I pulled my Famitama out of my tamagotchi drawer. I have a soft spot for this one. At first I didn't like it at all. But I have seen past what once bothered me. Last time I ran it I drove myself near insane trying to get the pure families but right now I think I am going to see how things go. Take it as it comes. I have opened the back of the famitama. Okay I think I really am going to run it. I popped the battery in and pressed reset and had three eggs. And they hatched into a boy a girl and a boy! 

Thursday 21 June 2018

Day 11 - don't forget the lights

I forgot about the lights! Last night. And I am pretty sure the lights count as a care miss so.... I feel dumb
And now onto to today the more current events! Moana is now 13 years old and she has had one good day of bouncing around her tamagotchi home. My V2 as expected as no changes, no match maker no death no nothing. And on my Plus I still have teen as the teenage stage is longer on this colour that it is on the others. And on to... my Ps I didn't quite get Violetchi, I ended up getting kiramotchi instead. So it wasn't at all a loss I guess. I think I'll do pictures tomorrow as I am dead tired

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Day 10 - Moana the Granny

That's right Moana has evolved into a tiny little granny and I love it! I just need to get used to her waking up earlier and going to bed earlier than I am used to and I think Moana will have her very own time zone (how else will I manage a 7 am wake up time).
And she is age 12 today. Lets see if I can get her to age 15. Will she reach age 15? I think the Odds are very much in her favour so far.
And here is her first glamour shot, she does have a remarkable likeness of Ms. Busybody (the matchmaker). Fun fact, Ms. Busybody used to freak me out when I was younger.

And I have other news! Molly on my V2 evolved into debatchi! The cute buck toothed chicken. This one is a more nerdy tamagotchi who loves school and studying. This isn't one of my top ten adults on the V2 but still cute.

And on my colours I have a petithanatchi on my Ps who will soon evolve into a teen who I will then do what I can to help her evolve into Violetchi! And on my plus colour have a little kuribotchi who is also set to evolve into a teen soon!

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Day 8/9 A Monday that felt like the most Monday of Mondays

As that title suggests today is one Monday that puts all other Mondays to shame. It was so Monday even Tuesday has the Monday after taste. I don't have much to share as nothing all that exciting has happened. I have adults on my colours and they take some time in order for the matchmaker option to be available. Which is fine as on Mondays such as this one rushing just isn't an option.

There hasn't been much change on my V2 since she is a teen and nothing is going to happen for a few days until she evolves.

The only real thing of note is about Moana, on the most Monday's of Mondays she had a care miss that I am not proud of. She went to bed with nearly empty meters so that when she woke up and I didn't check on her right away... well her happy meter ended and I didn't check on her until her attention icon was off... so that gives me one care miss to add to my list. Her first as an adult (she was age 10 when this happened and still a memetchi when she evolves you will hear all about it

And on the Tuesday with the After taste of a Monday I have two babies! That's right my Ps and my plus colour both went to the match maker. On my Ps I had a girl and since I already raised the Disney change girls I downloaded a VDP for Violetchi! And on my plus colour I have a baby boy and who knows what he will grow up into!

And Moana is age 11 and she should be evolving into an old lady soon and I just might log her in the Long live Oldies hatch on tamatalk that is still going on (who would have thought that since Raiden the first the hatch has still been going on).

Sunday 17 June 2018

Day 7 The bumblebear!!!

That's right! My plus colour evolved!!!!! And he evolved into one of my very favourite male adults on tamagotchis.... shimashimatchi! That's right the bumble bee bear!! I have loved him since the entama and he is a character I wish was on more colour tamagotchis (like mimitchi.. but lucky me they are both on the anniversary mix which I do have). The weather is still grey so I need to wait for clear skies to get the remaining lucky symbols (heart cloud, lucky clover, rainbow, and shooting star)

So we shall see if I wait to get them all and hope the weather is in my favour, or if I keep my bumblebear around for as long as possible (around 10 generations on my Mix was heaven). Fun fact this is the only colour tamagotchi in which there are oldies. Which makes me all happy as I have a soft spot for the oldies.

And now moving on the the Tamagotchi Ps! We have an adult and not just any adult karakutchi! And he was one of the three adults I needed for my Disney change challenge that I made to myself. And now as long as I don't let him run away I will only have two adults left for the disney change challenge! For those who are wondering what he is he is either chip or dale I don't know which (his sister was the other one). And I got his puzzle pieces (red rice, star ball and chefs hat) all before I allowed him to change (as you can't give them clothes so you have to go back change them back and then change them back once you have the puzzle piece).

And thats right my connections are hanging out together! Molly evolved into propelleritchi a very adorable teen so can I really complain? Well if i am honest there are very few adults on the V2 that I truly dislike (actually that count is 1.. I have never liked it but I am hoping one day I can get over it so I can say I like all the adults on the V2 but we shall see). And Moana is age 9 and she still has the match maker coming around and she did bring us a kuchipatchi and sure I was very tempted to agree to that..... but I just didn't feel like it. I truly think that I am going to attempt an Oldie hatch with Moana. I have always done boys and I did one girl on my Akai so I feel like it just might be the time for an oldie hatch with a girl on my keitai! 

Saturday 16 June 2018

Day 6 Non-stop rain!

As the name suggests the weather on my Plus colour and my Ps is rain at best, which matches the very much real weather that I have been experiencing here in the physical world where I reside. (it is just me or was that a weird wording?)
 And so far as I am typing this my Plus colour has not evolved into an adult yet... eventually he will I think tonight though... he is just a late bloomer.

Well my Ps evolved into Cosmotchi he is a teen a teen that I need for two adult evolutions that I need for the disney evolutions! I have gotten 3 ish care misses (by ish is it can be 4 I am just not sure sure) then I made sure to get the right personality something I always forget on the Ps )on the IDL this was never an issue). So now all that's left to do is wait for him to evolve.

Now my V2, if you recall (I am sure you do) Luna had a visit from the match maker and she had a baby girl, well this morning that baby woke up to find her caring mother is gone leaving me to care for her! I named her Molly and she started out as babies do demanding and covered in poop. After an hour of baby hell she evolved into marutchi a bouncing rolling toddler.

And aside from that, Moana has been hula dancing and regretting her choices of drinking nothing but sake all night long (she is a grown up and had to learn the grown up lesson). She is age 8 today and yes the match maker has started to come around and so far I have not accepted any husband that she has brought out. I don't know if I will or not.

Friday 15 June 2018

Day 5 (Babies!)

Today as the name suggests is a day of babies, as misleading as it is only had to care for a single baby today.
My chantotchi on my Ps finally got her final puzzle piece so she went off to the match maker and had a baby boy! Like all colours the parent disappeared during the babies nap leaving me one distraught baby to look after! And since we have a boy I can return to the disney change madness trend I have going on (VDPs are just awesome).
So we are back in the mickey mouse club house and I have to say I have missed it sure I enjoyed the flash back to the past that the chantotchi VDP gave me but you know I have three ish disney change adults to get and they are all boys! So! What is the fate of this one? Well he has three options one is mametchi, one is... I forgot his name and the other is the secret adult who looks like what I wish minions did look like.

So do I have anything fun and exciting on my plus colour? Well... no... it is raining as it has been since I changed the dead batteries and unpaused it as I was done with my conference. And he is still a teen... And eventually one day he will become an adult! I swear it! So you are thinking okay sure we have the disney star in the making baby... but this is the same old teenager he may look adorable but he is far from a baby (or so he would like us all to think). And you are right this is not the other baby.

So who did have a baby? Luna did! That's right my third generation adult on my connection V2! The other night (by other I mean last night when I was too tired and lazy and not motivated to sit up and type things....). And she had a baby girl so that means I have to come up with one good name for a girl (I am going with a theme but I am sure the more you learn about the names I chose previously the theme is obvious).

And now we have Moana! She is age 7 and as sassy as you can imagine her to be. She loves to dance with the water and the waves, she dreams of sailing off past the reef and being a voyager. She is also well on her way of becoming a master wayfinder, and yes I did watch the movie recently and yes  I do love it and yes that is how she got her name. Today she is dancing and just enjoying being an adult, for on the Keitai she can now have sake. Like with humans it makes tamagotchis tipsy and dizzy if they have too much!
I don't know if I want post now (as I am typing this) or later in the day just in case something happens.... but so far I type and post whenever I seem to the time and want to...)

Thursday 14 June 2018

Day 4 (when Thursday feels like Monday)

Today so far has been a day to talk all about Moana, okay well that sounds like I can go hours on end and I doubt that is the case... Okay so I am just going to dive in. Today I am not feeling so great but so far Moana has been just fine chilling in my pocket while I work. And I thought since she has saved herself a decent about of Gotchi points and the traveling salesman always seems to offer something that she already has, so we did some online shopping. She went through the online catalogue with me, limited by her pocket change as well as what she already has. We found some yummy ume and she said it is high time that she has that, so we bought it and with immediate and free delivery it was added to her meals. And I have never seen her so excited to eat something in her life (well except when she is starving). It's a real shame that I have been a good human being today and have kept her well fed.

Finally she had room in her stomach to try her fresh ume and.... she didn't like it at all! It was the most anti-climatic reaction ever! I guess we won't be feeding her any more of that any time soon!

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Not quite day 3

So it has been a few days.... or a more than a few days... Well I had a conference to attend to and well after one day all but 1 of my tamas were paused. My days were long, my attention was on the science and,... well the tama's... they suffered. No one died so I call that a success.

So nothing has happened for the most part since the last time I sat down and started typing on this little blog in the middle of nowhere on the interwebs.

I am still waiting for a final puzzle piece for chanototchi, and I have a young mametchi who will eventually be evolving into an adult. On my V2 I still have luna the kuchipatchi and she still has a couple of days before the match maker comes.

I do however have news about Moana. First today (once the conference was over) I watched moana and had fun singing along. And second Moana evolved into Ringotchi the apple teen and she got sick a few times. I let her sleep during the day but since my days were over 12 hours long there were gaps where she was awake and I didn't have the brain capacity to know this.... or even think to check.... so she got sick a couple of times.. And she also evolved into an adult. I know that was fast.. but on the keitai the teen stage is a day shorter which is something that I always find shocking but it's a pleasant surprise. I love running my keitai. And that is that So far today I have been a zombie but I functional one for the most part. Until next time!

Right I should say the adult that she evolved into.. memetchi! And one of her character specific items is a hula dance set so I think I gave her the right name

Saturday 9 June 2018

Day 2

Welcome back to my slice of the internet or if this is your first time reading the words that were once in my head welcome!

Today is the day of exhaustion, doctor drama, evolution, and an adventure through the sinnoh region! That's right my tama's and I have been up to quite a bit so lets get this party started!

Let's start with my colours (as I have a tad less to say)
On my plus colour the weather has been non stop rain (and I am not complaining! It was also close ish to my IRL weather with scattered rain and thunder and a couple flashes of lighting). My little toddler evolved into a very blue young mametchi so in a couple of days I should have an adult!

On my Ps mission Chantotchi was a success! For this VDP evolution it was either eat the music flan three times or play with her notebook three times as a teen. I don't know which (and there is a game with this VDP I had no idea). And I found all three of her puzzle pieces (music flan, notebook, and heart drink) so all that's left is wait for her to get that fourth puzzle piece so we can take her to the match maker!

And now the connections, My connection V2 evolved into an adult and I was pleasantly surprised by kuchipatchi! Luna makes a very adorable little kuchipatchi. As we know she is 3rd gen (my previous generations were 1) Lupin - Pyonchitchi, and 2) Albus - Chohimetchi). And now nothing super exciting will be happening with Luna, mostly I'll be just enjoying the cute animations and the cute kuchi face.
Look at that booty and those kuchi lips!

My tamagotchi Plus... it's days are numbered until he evolves (or before) I plan to tab this one up I love the simplicity but with the character overlap and I missed my Ketai so!

I started up my Ketai and saw the memorial of the last tama I ran, Roki an Oldie he died at age 42 (not quite my longest but also not my shortest) I pressed A and C to get a new egg and out came a little girl whom I named Moana.
Some fun facts about the Ketai - there is a secret that happens when you donate 1000 gp to the king, he gives you a giant poop that cleans up tama poop a minute after your tama poops!, also there is a death shrine of previous tamas, and they will chase the death god away should it come to claim your tama, and there are  just so many cute animations. The C click animations the toy animations and this is the only tama that I have ever seen to have your tamagotchi through a fit when they need a time out. SO that's that. I may decide to go for an oldie hatch ( think that is what I am leaning towards) but we shall see!

Friday 8 June 2018

Day 1

And so the log begins today in the evening.
I am running two colours and two Connections
On the connections (a word my phone likes to auto correct to Connie) I have my Japanese tamagotchi plus and a tamagotchi connection V2.

My V2 is on the 3rd generation with a female young mametchi teen age 2

And on my tamagotchi plus I have a Gen 1 boy teen hinotamatchi a first for me usually first Gen is an ichigotchi I thought this was a given as in its always an ichigotchi but I guess that's only on the English ones? I don't know for sure (not like I have a PhD in tamagotchis or anything) and he's age 3! 

On the colour side of life I have my plus colour and my tamagotchi Ps. On my tamagotchi plus I have a Gen 2 boy toddler whose name I cannot spell and with autocorrect it's really not gonna happen. Anyways I can get all but one of the lucky items the rainbow (really you change my to Mt, and tamagotchi to tama got chu and connection to Connie but you can't get rainbow? And they say smart phones are smart) watering can. I am working on it but I don't like grinding for things on tamagotchis it takes away the fun so... I am going to see how long it takes when I got at my pace.

And on my Ps I have a gen 5 nokobotchi who I am trying to evolve into chanotochi (VDP) magic. Since I have all the built in girls I need for the Disney change pierce.

And that's that. I think I need to crop those pictures... yeah I need to you can see the cropped versions so yeah a teeny tiny more work to do (that really relies on me actually taking the pictures)

A new era

So this is the new era and revamp of my little slice of the internet! So here I am typing and hoping that some eye ball on the internet will read this (I know wishful thinking)

So I will be here experimenting with tamagotchi growth patterns (hopefully) as well as logging my tamagotchi's and my experiences on that as pictures are much easier to add!

(god this is a boring blog post.....)

Day 28

Felix the bug passed away last night he was I am going to assume age 8 my care of him did decrease over time so I can't really get too u...