The life of Raiden The First

The Life and Times of Raiden
The story of Raiden and his time on this planet safely inside my blossoms keitai for the Long live oldies hatch start date may 1/2017

Raiden’s details:
Life stage: Oldie
Growth: Hitodetchi - ringotchi - memetchi -- oldie (man)
Illnesses: 2 (1- baby, 2- teen no reason (possible missed discipline call, Death God came was scared away)
Near misses: 4 (empty hungry meter attention icon still on, light off attention icon still on)
Care miss: 5 (X3 hungry hearts empty attention icon off no sickness, 2X empty happy meter back turned to me, no attention icon, no sickness)

Current goal: Age 85
Day 1 (May 1)
Today was a very eventful day, mostly for Raiden. For today is the day that after I pressed the A and C buttons at the same time an egg appeared, and after a very long minute he hatched. After the long process of naming him (I admit that was all on me….. ooops) he was ready for some attention. The first thing I did was give him some well needed rice bowls, the poor thing was starved! Next I gave him some cupcakes (well the way I see it he was good and ate all his rice).
We started to play games, mainly catch the music notes, we are on a mission mission 1000gp. Why that number? Spoilers.
Before we knew it he cried, had his nap got sick, pooped far too much and needed a lot of food and we had yet to reach the 1000gp mark he evolved (at 2:23pm my time) into a cute little star child Hitodetchi. For those not in the know this is one of my favourite toddlers. At this point we reached 830gp, almost there! So we played games until we got to 1000gp.
Then things got eventful for me. See I was in the lab at the university I am attending and the power went out (but good news we still had wifi). So I went home and on the way home Raiden needed: 1 timeout and lost 1 hungry heart (which I replenished). And when I got home he needed yet another meal as he was down a hungry heart (but this time he had also pooped so I guess that’s where it went) I cleaned his mess and fed him.
After that we decided to donate our hard earned gotchi points to the gotchi king, we ended up donated 1010 (a little over 1000), and then we ended the magic password and the gotchi king came for a visit, and do you know what he did? He pooped right there. Well this was no ordinary tama poop, his poop came to life and gave Raiden a crown and disappeared. Raiden was disappointed, “all those points and all I get is a poop and a crown?!”
A little time later Raiden himself pooped and the magic poop appeared and cleaned it away. Money well spent!
And now I goofed again. I forget to check his clock when I started the hatch, call it excitement, call it lack of caffeine, or I had a mental leave of absence, well right after he evolved he went back to bed and when he woke up he aged. So today he is 2. The way I see it it will all level out when I have to change his battery so no harm and no fowl. Just a disclaimer for those who see his age is two and call me a cheater (really how can I cheat at this really?)

Day 2 (May 2nd)
I have Raiden’s clock set so that he goes to bed closer to when I do and he wakes up a bit later, in this case he wakes up at 1247pm my time. And I am not going to complain about it, after all I don’t have to worry about care misses when he wakes up earlier than I do. He woke up as happy and as full as can be which of course made me smile. Today he is the ripe age of 3 years old and today is the day we say goodbye to his toddler ways and hello to a teenager.
We are still celebrating Children’s Day (or something like that) as it is celebrated on May 5th. After that our next holiday will be in July, moon viewing. I have to admit the thought of that holiday it is just so far away and poor little Raiden has quite a lot to live through before we get there. But I have faith that he will take part in moon viewing and eat his dumplings.
For the last  couple of hours of his toddler days, he received the same level of care, his hearts dropped at most once, he needed a praise and received it. I am really trying to take the best possible care. I only want to use the death shrine if I absolutely have to, after all I only get one shot with it.
As the minutes neared his time of evolving (2:23pm) I eagerly watched his screen, I was excited to see him evolve and eager to see which teen he will be, and drum roll please…. Enter Raiden the Ringotchi! The apple teen! I love the fruit teens they are just so cute! And he got a present of 300gp for evolving nice! Now we actually have pocket change!
As a teen I have noticed that Raiden is a tad less needy, I am seeing that as a sign of things to come, from what I have read oldies overall are not as needy as I think. But we shall see right now we are loving the ringotchi look and to think I get three days with him like this!
Currently he is chillin’ like a villain’ while I am typing this and he is full and happy. The Keitai has C click animations, there are I think 2-3 per character. I only saw two of Raiden as a toddler, but as a teen I saw three! Him singing, a close up of him (so cute I must try to take some pictures) and one in which he turns and blows up a balloon and floats up until it pops!
Before bed he had both a steaming bubble bath and he brushed his teeth! Who knew an apple had teeth I didn’t until now. He’s such a good little tama. He went to bed promptly at 8pm his time and his light was immediately shut off, he had no poops, and both his meters were full. Another successful day!

Day 3 (May 3rd)
Today Raiden is already 4 years old! I can hardly believe how fast he is growing up after all he is already a teen (and one step closer to my first goal get him to adulthood! I have many goals for myself during this hatch, i find that smaller goals are easier to feel motivated such as if I say I’m going to keep in around for 900 tama years well I instantly say not gonna happen, but getting him to adulthood totally seems reasonable. So  small reasonable goals and everything should go smooth (10 points to who get the reference!)
Like he did yesterday he woke up with full meters (just as I left him when he went to bed) so I was… not needed right after he woke up, I just liked knowing he was now awake. I am hoping that I will be a well trained caretaker come Fan Con! (may 6th) this will be my first day of Reckoning and first real test with Raiden. I know if I must I can always either pause him or adjust his clock so that he doesn’t wake up until after I am home (as he ages when he wakes up).
Approximately half an hour after he woke up he brushed his teeth like a good little tama! This sparked my first question how long do they brush their teeth for? Well I mostly watched him I was in the lab working so, I couldn’t just watch an apple brush their teeth (as exciting as that sounds). This one question I had sparked the scientist in me (I am finishing up my masters in biochem and starting a PhD in September so it is only natural I have questions). What does the luxury item “preventative medicine” the jar with a sun do on the keitai? Does it undo a care miss (or a sickness? Does it prevent hearts from dropping so fast? Does it give me a free pass? I just have to know what does it do?) And the graveyard I doubt they will make a luxury item that causes death...but what if it does? And then I was thinking there is no chart of favourite items including the oldies on the Keitai… hummm…. Now I must know these things. Scientists we are the kids that see road kill and poke it with sticks, repeatedly.
So I am pretty sure he brushes his teeth for about 15 minutes. I will know for sure later, I just need to know when he starts and finishes. Now 54 minutes after he woke up he had an empty hungry heart, he had a rice bowl mainly cuse it’s the first option and flipping through the foods takes time. I know I’m lazy I will try to be less…
So all throughout the day I have checked on him quite a lot, his meters never dropped more than one at a time, and his weight did not surpass 14 pounds. So you’d think that would be great right? But half an hour later I check on him and he’s sick! What the hell is all I can say, meters were full he wasn’t fat, he didn’t get a chill from being outside when it’s raining. And the gotchi pooper scooper is still working full duty. All I can think of is I missed a discipline call and they get sick on the Keitai if you do that. Or Sickness is a random event on the Keitai...So I took a break from writing and found something on the tamagotchi wiki about sickness “A Tamagotchi naturally falls ill close to its time of evolution. For the baby stage, this is typically within 20 minutes. For all other stages, it may be anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. Sickness can also be deliberately induced through neglect, by leaving Hungry or Happy hearts empty or letting poo occupy the screen for too long.” So I guess that means it was just sickness from evolving and I did nothing wrong?? I hope so. I am of course tracking his sicknesses… there is a rumour or a whisper that oldies die when they get sick three times. Well… yeah… so it happened and I am thoroughly not happy.
So I watched him like a hawk, there is no way he was going to get sick again (how dare he do such a thing after all the good care I have been giving him?!) And I caught two training calls his meters never dropped more than 1, and they never dropped at the same time and his weight never surpassed 14 pounds. In his face. Getting sick like that for no apparent reason. Sure if I neglected him for hours on end I would get it but I didn’t.
So Raiden and I thought it was high time we entered in some passwords to get some free stuff so we have fun things to do as this log goes on. So stay posted for that who knows when we will pull out the free stuff but when we do there will be pictures. Afterwards we had an action packed minute he had a fit resulting in a time out and immediately after I caught the squiggly lines and got him on the toilet just in time and I was too slow with the camera...So as it stands he has a full training bar!

May the 4th be with you!
Raiden turned 5 today, if he were a human he would start school, but he’s not and he’s been going to school with me everyday this week (he skipped all the way up to Master’s program what a smart cookie). He woke up without a care in the world and this is where I say I am expecting an adult tomorrow but this is when things go sideways (relax he’s not dead).
Now I sorted out the teeth brushing thing sorted out. He starts at about 9:45am his time and goes until 10am his time. So he brushes his teeth for 15 minutes.
WHAT!? WHAT?! He evolved and it is highly expected, I was expecting this tomorrow. Well he is a memetchi. To celebrate we bought the trumpet.
And I am a terrible human being I let his hungry meter drop by two hearts and his happy meter by one. How dare I. What is wrong with me.
So a tad shorter of an update today, and I have a lot going on…

May 5th
It was the best of times and the worst of times. Relax Raiden didn’t die or get sick or anything like that. It was a really hard day for me and i ma dramatic. Because of the squeaky bum time deadlines i had to pause Raiden and he lost 2 hours and 20 minutes. Today he is the ripe age of 6 years old. Even with that his hearts dropped no more than 2 for hungry.

May 6th
Well today wasn’t as smooth for him as I would have liked. He got down to one heart twice, and 2 happy hearts once, and 1 happy heart. That was all that was out of the ordinary for his care. Fan Con was amazing, Carl Urban is such a nice person and if i had the money I would have gotten a signed autograph, but I didn’t. Hearing him talk about his career though, the movies that got him started, the movies he had fun with, and so on. Oh right fan girling a bit Raiden is 7 years old today. In human years he would be a second grader. We even bought a new meal option, some sort of roll, it doesn’t quite look like sushi.

May 7th
Today Raiden is 8 years old and I totally forgot to type this up until now. So far no matchmaker visits and we are okay with that after all my boy will remain a bachelor forever (insert Brave quote here). His care level was pretty spectacular if you ask me, his hearts only dropped by one, and we kept his weight nice and healthy. I spent the day in bed (so it wasn’t so hard) why was I in bed? Well insomnia mixed with people overload and video games and I’m always in or on my bed when I’m home…. Also today is Sunday, and a day of rest one I really needed and earned. And today I felt he was old enough to try sake!

May 8th
Today Raiden is 9 today he really is growing up fast. Today if he were human he would be in grade 4. But today as he was camped out in my pocket in the 20% cooler pouch that he asked for, so he got a much higher edication. Today he got to watch me fill tip boxes like a scut monkey, got to hear me complain that this was undergrad work not the job for a masters student. Then he got to hang out while I had a meeting with my supervisor about my defense. So needless to say he totally kicks 4th grade butt. Still no match maker I’m not sure if  I am just missing her or she hasn’t decided to start coming yet. Also this is my first oldie on my Keitai and I’m not 100% when he will become an oldie in my head it should be between 10-15 years, so I guess time will tell. Right his care, well I was sorta busy so his hearts both dropped by two twice today. I felt pretty horrible but he didn’t get sick or a care miss so I can’t complain. I even found a neat way to play with a tamagotchi is public and no one sees (under my slytherin scarf). To keep his weight down we played the race game as I can press a button a couple of times and set him down, this isn’t the best for making money as you either win 30 or you win nothing.
Because he is getting older and we may not see him like this for much longer here are his C click animations

May 9th
Well today is the day he joins the ranks of double digits and I am so proud of him! I will jump to the punch line he did not evolve today and he had 3 visits from the matchmaker so I'm pretty sure we are getting close. Of her three visits he had no problems in saying with all the eloquence of his age “Thank you madame for the lovely choice, but I'm afraid I must decline. She is just not for me, I am sure she will find a very suitable match and live out a very wonderful life with her husband.” The matchmaker wasn't as impressed as I was, she was rather offended and left in a huff. The last visit today she decided to be sneaky and brought him a memetchi and we paused for a second. She was the perfect bride for him truly, but again we had to decline. We do have other plans for him after all and he just doesn't want to go. He wants to be around for my defense and moving and my birthday. How sweet is that?
And here we have a picture and we wanted it to be black and white as he will be an old fart soon enough he wanted practice on living in life without technicolor

May 10th
Is today the day? Long story short no, it is not. Raiden is the ripe age of 11 years old, the awkward pre teen age where girls are cool gross interesting and pretty all at once. And if he were a human child he would enter grade 6. But likewise he enjoys higher education of studying Biochemistry. He has been pretty chill all day loving the idea that I am doing something new and exciting and hasn’t learned yet that I will be repeating everything. He dropped down to a single hungry heart and happy heart but he didn’t blame me I was in meetings all about my new project (mainly what I will be doing and such so it’s not like I can pull him out and not have my supervisor question everything). But all in all not a terrible day we had no moments of betrayals where he falls ill.
11 years old and still kicking I guess I was right in that the keitai ages later than the connections just as I thought (the entama becomes an oldie at age 15).

May 11th
Raiden is 12 years old he is thinking about high school and just how magical it will be and stressing out about his first girl boy party. Wow he is growing up fast and has entered the 7th grade and he is counting down the days until he can say adios to this baby school and start high school. And he did not evolve into an oldie as I watched him at 2:27pm my time and nothing happened.
Today we spent the day working hard in the lab doing everything we did yesterday as it didn’t work. While we worked we watched Deadpool and he learned who my favourite hero was, and then we had time to watch guardians of the galaxy and then we had time for a nap. Yes we did a lot work and waiting. Besides with internet and such I can listen to a movie on my tablet while working.
You can almost tell that we took that in a biochem lab, almost. He did get to see me exploding cells today and he being a boy loved it (well I always get a kick out of it.)

We reached the oldie stage how awesome is that! WHOO!!!! So proud of my little old guy. He is so cute. We played the trumpet to celebrate (I will get pictures eventually) Now my next goal isn’t far off reach age 15! We can do this!!

May 12th
I can’t believe that Raiden evolved last night I am just over the moon! I had no idea I would get so attached to him this soon. Today he is officially a teenager at the ripe age of 13 years old. Ever since he has evolved he has been so chill. So today we had fun with his C click animations and with the toys we have that he will play with.
His meters drop very slowly and that just makes things so much easier to take care of him. I mean I can forget him for a couple hours and he is fine.
Tonight we went shopping and ordered a top hat thinking he would look just handsome in it and just our luck it’s a character specific item so he can only look not touch. I guess we will have to find the old man character specific items (if there are any). And Raiden hung out with Cecil my V3!!

May 13th
Today Raiden is 14, one day away from being 15 our next goal! Today we spent the day avoiding my poster and doing my poster and restarting Tomodatchi life I had forgotten that I actually love this game and it has been so long. Raiden loved watching the wacky antics of all of my islanders. Today all in all was pretty chill for Raiden, his meters take forever to drop and it doesn’t seem to matter how tired I am or when I forget. But we did learn his sleep wake schedule he sleeps at 8pm his time and wakes 7am his time. Which is the earliest wake up time of a character on the Keitai, and it was not known from my sources. See? Learning new things.

May 14th
Raiden is 15 years old today and that means we have met our third goal! Next up reach 20 years old! Raiden celebrated by playing the trumpet and ringing in the day with a celebratory toot toot. His snacks were cupcakes and sake (how else would an old man celebrate)
We played tomodatchi life, we have had no relationships yet but some wacky friendships and some odd things have happened on the roof...and some weird fashion choices. This game makes him feel young. And Raiden is the good thing in my life right now with these sinus headaches making me wish my head would just explode and get it over with. And he is going to help me soldier through and finish my poster for my upcoming conference.

May 15th
Raiden is 16 years old and still kicking, and no he has not got his own driver’s license with no car it seems pointless. His age hasn’t slowed down his thirst for knowledge. Today he learned that there are some days scientists whine that they have to work, he learned that someone in that lab is gonna get yelled at real bad (psst and it’s not me I do hope I get to watch), deadlines are a very ral thing and this real world thing he has heard so much about makes no sense, which gave him a headache, he also learned that every one in a while there is a golden moment in a the life of a scientist and that is something finally going right. And yes there was smack talk, Raiden helped with some of it, and no it’s not really appropriate
Raiden has also been helping me write, we worked on a story that I was stuck on and today he helped me work out a wicked awesome dream into a half decent inkling of a story and hopefully we can make it great.
So all in all today wasn’t a bad day, we finished my poster and it won’t be in pieces or have a smilie face on it. We missed a torrential downpour by minutes. Even when he was neglected his hungry hearts only dropped by two. Today he munched on hot dogs and pie.
We even learned when he falls on his face he has to be on the left side of his screen and he looks both ways then bam he’s falling flat on his face. And he sleeps in none other ooogie boogie!!!

May 16th
Today is Raiden is 17 years young and still kicking. He has witnessed the start of Cecil and the marriage of Cecil and watched as Cecil had a baby. We have no idea what we will name her, hopefully we will come up with a name tomorrow when Cecil leaves. Today we had an action packed day, we ran from lab to the registrar's office back to the lab to the cashier's office and back to the registrar. Raiden slept through all this running and I am very very jealous. After that we had to deal with a minor hiccup with my poster, and then do some science, check on my pink slime (no growth yet but still optimistic) and then we did the really cool thing and make E.coli suck up DNA!!
When we got home he helped me focus on my defense and my sinuses aren’t killing me today. He even talked me into giving him back the original pikachu, the new one is too bright to match his shell. He loves the glowing bright mew but the pikachu just didn’t match so he has two pikachus.
Raiden has been my longest lived tamagotchi (generations don’t count but longest run I don’t quite know… 27 generations on my Anniversary IDL. Just over 5 months straight on my P’s or the 3-6 months I ran my mixes when I first got them (melody and spacy). But Raiden is the longest lived tamagotchi I have ever raised. And he is very much a part of my life now. He is part of my routine.

May 17th
Today Raiden woke up a strapping lad of 18 years and he was there for the first moments of Cinna. Whom I swear he is going to spoil rotten. Today we did the typical onslaught of lab work. We learned that in blue/white screening you want white colonies (and most of mine were white so I am a super scientist) and when these colonies were tested all 9 tested were positive so random dance party!
We finished scrubs (the last season really went down hill they should have ended it at 8) and Raiden urged me to start another show so we started Grey’s anatomy a show I adore and with 12 seasons (and longer episodes) this one will take us a bit longer. Raiden has decided that we are going on a TV show binge mission. Movies are one thing but shows show real commitment.
All in all today hasn’t been all that bad. Raiden had no less than 2 happy hearts (only happened once) and 2 hungry hearts (again only happened once) all day. He continues to be easy to care for, which gives me great hope for my upcoming conference (we leave friday and return Wednesday).

May 18
Today Raiden is the ripe age of 19, he is one day away from 20 my next goal! And this is why I have little goals they break the big goals down and makes things less intimidating and scary. I have full confidence that he will reach the age of 20. We do have the trial of my conference, but I have a feeling things will go just fine after all he is not the needy sort. After the conference he will be 25 (my next goal so I get two for one). Raiden and I have returned to Supernatural I heard Carry on Wayward son and that was it and he had to know why I broke out into ballad.

May 19
Today is the day we leave, and travel the first half of our trip today, also Raiden is 20. Part of me really didn’t think he would live this long… but that’s mostly my doubts as I have had many tama deaths. We started our day business as usual, we went to the lab and spent the morning learning we wasted our entire week on a project. Then we drove for about 4 hours. It wasn’t too bad. And that is when we learned that Raiden can go a solid 4 hours and be just fine all on his own provided his meters were full when I started. We hung out in a hotel (his first time and well I don’t hang out in them all that often). We loved the towel people and the towel swan.
So far in his 20 years of life we have yet to have the meters empty, since he’s been an adult no random illnesses, and for the most part his weight never reaches 40 pounds.

May 20
So today we finished the driving and this was the first time for Raiden to go to my home, where my parents live. We won’t be staying long but today he is 21 and met my little sister for the first time. She wasn’t so into him as I was (he is so cute how can I not find him totally adorable… but teenagers it’s either something mean followed by a long sullen silence or a long sullen silence followed by something mean)
We had the BBQ dinner that became all about my Masters and… that was not optimal for me, but what can you do. Smile and nod you can’t cry while you’re smiling. Other than that we relaxed in the really nice summer weather that hasn’t hit where I live yet ( I am North and my parents live more south..) so that was nice.

May 21
Today we woke up and had to pack up and then coordinate with the grand plan of dropping me off and getting to the conference and checking in and doing the meet and greet. It’s the hey i haven’t seen you for a year lets catch up or you’re a new face who are you? And it goes into what’s your project do you have a talk or poster while we eat free food. It’s great.
So Raiden spent the day in my pocket, not too exciting for a 22 year old but in tama years he is really old and needs to take it easy. He got to listen in on all the fun chit chat we had and the walk we decided to go on as it was hot inside and sooo nice outside. There was boughts of getting lost, giving up, and succeeding in our mission, all in all not a terrible day busy and chaotic but not bad.

May 22
Raiden is 23 today and he spent the day in lectures, and talking to people and cursing the swill that they dared call coffee, and learning some pretty awesome stuff. It was really awesome, I took some basic notes (the lecture room got hot and so that’s how you stay awake in a lecture. Take notes). I won’t go into too much detail as for the most part no one really cares, or they won’t understand or whatever. But if you do care and are interested in an RNA conference then be my guest to ask me all about it. Today was also the first day that Raiden had an empty meter. It was filled before his attention icon turned off so I’m hoping that it won’t affect him in the long run. It’s hard to tell. It was his hungry meter his happy still had a single heart and he didn’t get sick nor did the icon turn off (as in I left it too long that he has given up hope that I care). So I am really hoping that everything is going to be okay.

May 23
Today Raiden is 24 and we took it easy on him, meaning I made sure not to extend his 4 hour limit of alone time and things seemed to work out. Today we were much more tired than yesterday and the lecture hall that the talks were in was much colder and the coffee was just as evil and gross. So it was hard to pay attention but he also heard me present my poster and I had no seriously hard questions (which I was disappointed about). After posters we went on adventure and google maps got us lost and I almost died and finally we found the restaurant and much to my relief (and Raidens) I did not die. I may have been a little late in catching him going to bed (7 minutes so his attention light was still on so this is still considered a close call). But today we spoke with my new supervisor touched base on my new research project (for the PhD) met his other student and all in all it was a good experience and I am ever so glad Raiden was there with me and didn’t die.

May 24
We made it home and today is the day we have had our first full fledged care miss. That’s right I am that person today. We had a long drive back and I knew I let him go a little long on his alone time. He can tolerate 4 hours and be okay. But he went 5. So his hungry meter was empty and his attention icon was off. He was okay other than that and had a single happy heart. So this counts as his first full blown care miss. So if there is a limit of 5 we will find out if not we will also find that out. But do I have the fear that the two close calls and the one full on will affect him later in life? Yes, Yes I do. Will I beat myself up about it? Already did and I have moved on.
But Raiden lived to 25 years old he is half a century. And he is also older than I am. He is my longest living Tamagotchi ever hands down. He has reached my next goal so what comes next getting to 30! Can we do this? Yes, I think so? Will my goals get longer? We shall see i like these goals every 5 days I get to celebrate.

May 25
So we are back to our routine. Wake up to my alarm get breakfast coffee and dressed and off to the lab. It all worked out quite well until we got to 2:30 my time and that was it. Raiden felt his age and I felt like an old man. We are both dead on our feet tired so we called it quits and tried to work we really did… So we did other things. Working on the stuff in between draft 1 and draft 2 of a book that I have been working on for over a year, adventuring Unova winning a gym badge catching a munna…. (whatever that is) and trying not to sleep.
Right I suppose I should say that Raiden did not die today. He is 26 years old and had the usual stellar care that he had grown accustomed to. At most he was missing a single hungry heart and a single happy heart at the same time and that only happened once. All the rest it was down one and I topped him up. 4 more days until he’s 30 and we have reached our next goal.

May 26
Raiden is 27 and celebrating friday. I don’t normally but this was a friday I needed. I am tired and  I think I’m dying the sun is giving me melanoma and I might have spring allergies…. Ugh! But silver lining we did the one walk everyone should do once attending my University and that’s walk down the hill… it’s about 4-5 km so it was a good hour walk. Not too shabby I got to catch up on my Game of thrones book (I think I’m on book three near the end  I can’t give more without spoilers -- also books are way better and the shows cut some major plot lines!!!!). I am one of those people who can easily d o2-3 things at once I can go up to five successfully which is why I can write a book, watch netflix work on my thesis defense learn a language and run 4 tamagotchis quite easily (also lab work is a thing I do). I thrive on chaos it seems….
So anyways back to Raiden this is his story not mine and I’m sure everyone is tired and bored with my ramblings. So we bought the 1200 gp melon, and that was pretty much all the cash he had. So he will be eating that melon until we have made that money back (and that should take some time as I have gotten into the habit of the sprint game and if you win 30gp if you lose 0 and there’s a 33.333333…. Chance of winning. Also I can press the B button a couple times and set it down and do my own thing. Wow this is longer than I had thought, so until next time!

May 27
So today Raiden is 28 years old and he is doing well, we have had no sicknesses or deaths or anything like that. He was a tad chubby but at the time you are reading this or I am typing this, his chubs has been dealt with. He has no pooch for all the extra cookies. He is the perfect tamagotchi to have around when you take a nap, he doesn’t get mail or demand my attention during my nap (in fact I could have had a 4 hour nap before he would need me) so all in all he is my best buddy right now.
May 28
Today Raiden is 29 years old…. And we witnessed our first lost magicarp…. Yeah that’s right you can get yours stolen by a pigeotto….. Well needless to day Raiden was shocked it was shocking. His beloved carp just up and vanished right before his eyes. (Don’t worry we have a replacement and Raiden is okay now). We worked on my Defense mainly working on my presentation first getting it within time limits and to stop stumbling over my works, we have time yet (a week and that’s it) but we are getting there I just have to stop stumbling on my damn words.
In our breaks of me running through my presentation and cursing at a word I say or fixing my slides or whatever we took on the second gym leader in Unova and we won, even being under leveled. Now this run is for me to get to know gen 5. I don’t know who turns into what or their names really so this is how I plan to do it (rock monster and ugly fat purple cat dude are the sorts of names they get from me). So far we aren’t seeing seasons but this game is beautiful.

May 29th
Raiden is a ripe 30 year old tama, he certainly hasn’t broken any records yet, but he’s broken mine. And he spent his big day in the lab with me… dealing with my presentation anxiety, and lab work and working with pink slime….. And salt. And today we fished up our first golden carp (and named it Shiny) And it is hot hot hot! Raiden was in the grumpy old man mood so by did he complain (it’s so hot my wrinkles have formed mini pools of sweat between them i am a walking swimming pool of sweat! I’m leaking sweat my beard of dripping with sweat it’s nasty)
But we have to get back to perfecting my presentation and practicing it and so forth. So fingers crossed i don’t fall into a nap and wake up at 3 am and having no idea what to do now.

May 30th
Here we are, day 30 with Raiden, Day thirty with this log and he is a nice old man at the age of 31. Today was a tad hard on him (But he assured me that it was well worth it things worked today ( I would have loved them to work in march but that’s science it hates you and you like it anyways) and I have been working on my thesis defense so he knows I have a lot on my mind and he knows that I have not forgotten him or abandoned him. He is my friend and my cheerleader.
Other than being down to a single hungry heart and being chubby he took today in stride. We have also devised an experiment, we think that the very expensive melon gives more than a single happy heart (its more than the lobster like yowza). He got a little jealous with my excitement at the tama circus VDP… But he is the one who had been around for 30 days while the P’s the adults stay until they get that final puzzle piece (and I am on generation 20 out of my alphabet run and 18 built in characters).

May 31
Raiden has enjoyed his final day of May, and enjoyed being 32. Yowza I made it to the end of May (and so did me). And we are so ready to say goodbye to the spring in between I don’t know what I am doing weather and say hello to summer and hot sweaty hell. As you can tell we are all primed up to complain about the weather. But at least I work in a place where the AC is usually so good I need to wear a sweater. We had a quick pop into the lab and spent the day studying for me defense and working on my slides and so on. So it has been a bit boring.
OH! The melon gives at least 2 happy hearts next we will try to get his happy meter down to a single one and see if it fills 3!
That face says he is just ready to accept the old man role Hey you kids get off my lawn!

June 1!!
YOWZA we made it all the way to June! Who would have guessed that Raiden and I would have stuck it through this long? I would have been the first to say that we would have flopped half way through May. One month down hopefully many to go. Now for the next big goal getting to Canada day (July 1st for those non-canadians.. It’s like Independence Day but in Canada and in true Canadian fashion we celebrate first). So he survived a crazy month of May, what are in for in June? Well so far we have panic, bile, nausea, deadlines, and being very much an adult, I’m all grown up when did that happen?  
So enough happy feelings I am not having a happy feelings sort of day but that’s besides the point. Raiden is 33 years old today and nothing much has changed with him. Today he was ready for sunshine and hot sticky gross weather, what did we get instead, a cold wet morning rain, torrential downpour followed by hail in the afternoon with some thunder for good measure and an evening dose of you guessed it rain.
So we had a quick pop into the lab we made some stuff to grow pink slime in, we had some issues, I was not having a very good day. And we went hope and my eye hurts (yes just one how weird right? So I must be dying) and we have to practice practice and practice my presentation for a practice one tomorrow then we have finally have friday.

June 2
Good news, Raiden didn’t die and he is 34 years old (one more until we hit 35!), and the bad news is I am freaking out. I have to be all grown up and do a thesis defense and he got a care miss he was alone for 2 hours and bam a full blown care miss and that is scary. So excuse my rant read this with the voice of someone on a brink of a mental snap pr a break down or going off on the deep end. So I am a stupid stuttering moron and trying very hard to not be that to be a Viking, a strong Viking I have the blood of a viking and I need to live up to that. And Raiden is not getting old and is not needing me more often. I checked I filled his meters and an hour later he was still 100% hungry and 100% happy. And as I am typing this I am trying to figure when he will drop. So that leaves me with I didn’t fill his meters before he went to bed. So if he had 2 when he went to bed that makes sense even if he had three it makes sense. Because he always wakes up and drops a heart and takes a dump. So big breathe in, big breathe out I am a viking and Raiden is one too. He is fine. Now all I have to do is practice and study and practice and figure out answers to questions and not be the first in the history of my university to fail their thesis defense.

June 3
Today Raiden is 35 years old and I have not been very productive…. But I have decided to invest in myself and have full faith in myself in that yes I can do this. So that is that (also I was going to buy it anyways and it was on sale the it is a shiny new pink Ipod) and Raiden met my dear old friend my V2, I had hatched a boy named Albus.
Other than that I have nothing else to say today. But I am blood of the Viking I am not some saxon swine. I am blood of a viking (there is no way I can fail now Jeg er blod av vikinget ikke saxonsvin)

June 4
Today Raiden is 36 years old I know I know not as impressive as some others (*cough* 191 years old *cough*) but everyone has to start somewhere and we are right on our way. I had some other stuff but Raiden informed me those thoughts are why I am a terrible human being, so just assume I thought something horrible.
Raiden saw his friend evolve into an apple, and watched my mix grow into a very orange monkey, and heard me practice with less stumbling over my words and a tad bit more confidence. I got this I saw with a bit more certainty in my voice.

June 5
Raiden has lived to be 37 today, this is going to be a rather short update as my defense is tomorrow and I am doubting everything and I am sure I am losing my mind. Can I even do this? What was I thinking?

June 6
Today is D day, or at least it is in the morning. Raiden slept in longer than he is accustomed to, but this was the only way to ensure that while I was being eviscerated that he would not perish.
So how did the day go? Well….. I PASSED! Hooray huzza! Blessed be however you want to say I have said it. I am now a Masters of Science in Biochemistry and damn that power feels good. Shh you feel that? It’s the power. Knowledge is power. Study hard be evil.
Raiden lived and he is the ripe age of 38 today. 2 days until he’s 40. I think we can do this, and we have no more big trials until we move ( I may have to cheat with that. Not going to lie I am not sure I can keep him alive while dealing with my parents and moving house (moving to a different province I might add) and setting up my very first apartment, furniture, food and the likes. So yeah you have been warned and amply so.)

June 7
The aftershocks! Okay that was a tad dramatic but I think it is in my rights as I am now the proud owner of a shiny new Master’s degree. Today Raiden is 39 and anticipating passing another milestone at age 40 (tomorrow!) and he was feeling his age today. We worked all day in the lab (growing pink slime) and collecting cells from chemstores, putting the cells and dry ice in the freezer… wow my life must sound so weird… well on friday I am growing up large cultures of E.coli. Anyways we felt old and tired and hot. Raiden and his buddy Albus were well fed but I the human was not.
After running up and down stairs, we had to go be a grown up and go to the bank and the post office and spend more money than we would have liked and finally we made it home. And of course my computer decides it just can’t.
So we had one hectic day and in the end all I wanna do is have a nap and I am certain my old man agrees with me when I say naps for all.

June 8th
Raiden did it! He is 40 years old! 10 days until he is halfway to 100! I know 40 days with him and you’d think I would have learned to contain my amazement and wonder at him making to reach each of my little goals right now it’s every 5 (tama years), But I can’t so I shan’t!
Today in the land of science, I made media to grow E. coli in, we made some smaller cultures and we gave some bacteria some DNA and the power went out…. So the chances that it worked are well I am expecting nothing.
And I am going to do something a little odd and talk about Albus my V2 he is gen 1 and a perfect care adult. This never happens to me, so I am thinking that Raiden has trained me to be a better tama mom! I think I may start just chatting about my V2 every once in awhile.

June 9
Today we have a long day in the lab 8 hours of just growing E.coli and 1-2 hours of harvesting it. I am aware my life does in fact sound very very odd. Today Raiden is 41 years old and his friend Albus is 5, with a name like that it is just dying for a oldie. Well I already have one and doing a generation run is fun, but that just means I’ll be doing an oldie run on my V2.
Other than that there isn’t much to say… I may have hurt my wrist lifting the centrifuge rotor ( a big fancy piece of heavy metal that spins crazy fast in the machine) while I was lifting it something popped and it just didn’t feel right and hurt like… a long string of swear words when I used it. As I am typing this (june 10th in the morning) I still have some pain I am hoping I just sprained it as it’s not purple or really fat there is some swelling… but it feels like when I stress fractured my other wrist).

June 10
Raiden is 42 today and still loves video games! Today we had a busy day of realizing I did hurt my wrist, getting flea meds for our very real pet, my cat, and editing my thesis so everything can finally be done with and submitted. Albus despite all oldie rumours accepted the matchmakers proposal is marrying a pochitchi and had a baby girl (more on her later).
We also took up the mission of fishing up a dratini (1% catch rate of 10% if I feel like leaving and coming back to the area facing cave encounters only to have a 10% chance and have to do that over and over).
It took 243 encounters, we fished up 5 bottle caps, 34 pearls, and caught 2 shiny babroaches, and finally caught Dudley the Dragon at the level 31 in a lure ball!!

June 11
Well typing hurts. And Raiden is 43. I am only typing this for him my little god of thunder. Raiden’s good pal Albus hung out with his daughter today 5 points to whatever house you are in if you can guess her name. Raiden and I had a more chill day with editing and learning work on the computer is really gonna suck….. A lot….. And I am going to be swearing a lot….
Raiden wanted to celebrate getting the dratini and so he had some sake and it still hits him hard like in his youth (he got tipsy after just one cup). After that he decided he needed to go for a run to keep fit (a fit tama is a healthy tama and we are thinking healthy thoughts until the end of time as that’s how old he will be).

June 12
Today Raiden is 44, one day away from being 45 and we are getting excited. Things today weren’t so… smooth, cells decided to not lyse (fall apart and spill out their innards), my wrist made things very difficult for me, and pain and agony were my two companions while misery felt close by.
Typing isn’t as bad as it was last night, now i just need to find the right angle to do it well. We are starting my revisions of my thesis with the hopes of getting through the first chapter ( I will be getting help, having a friend read things for verb tenses and grammar stuff). In pokemon moon we made some great progress we caught the legendary (no spoilers) and now I think we are working on just filling the dex with all the pokemon that just need to evolve, and QR scanner (but that is gonna take some time…) but yeah I feel no real need to rush through the last part. But that has always been my playing style take my sweet old time and enjoy it.

June 13
Well today is the day, Raiden broke all expectations for me, he is 45 years old and still his age is shocking to me. In just a mere 5 days he will be 50, and that is half way to 100. That is just so crazy to think about. I know I know 145 (Aron’s record) and 200 (Elise) 45 doesn’t seen that big but to me it is. I am proud of this. 45, in 100 days he will be the age Aron was. So enough math for me I do enough of that in the lab. But 45 and still rocking his wrinkles.
Today we had a mildly short day in the lab, and tried to work on my thesis but sudden needs to go to the store and as the hours went by things just needed to be done. Anyways wrist still hurts so that also added to the not getting as much as I would have liked to do today done.
Anyways we have finally started reading the pokemon adventures manga series (as I can read it on my ipod and that’s a one handed affair meaning good old leftie can chill and be grumpy without poking it) and yes we are only in volume 2 but wow. Highly recommended if you like the pokemon series, if you watched the anime things are different, and the art is just amazing. You can’t read manga without having art appreciation. The plot is interesting, the art is awesome, and to be honest I love some of the perspectives, pokemon have a lot more personality (battles can be really graphic), and all in all I am really enjoying the story (and it is inspiring me to want to write something I have some great world building and past plot and that’s it)

June 14
Well today was one of those horrible days, nothing worked and I woke up in pain, and it was just not a good day. Well Raiden is 46 years old and as he is edging closer and closer to 50 he is feeling like he is on the brink of starting the next chapter of his life. I can’t tell you why he feels that 50 is a whole new era in his life, but it is.
He is still cross with me, as last night I let his hungry meter drop so low that he had to call for me to tend to his needs. The poor dear I felt rotten that I left him get that hungry but things happen and he is fine just being a drama llama.

June 15
Happy birthday tamatalk! Today Raiden is 47 years old and going on strong.Today wwe had a day of concentrations proteins is what all the cool kids are doing these days lol. And then we had to walk home hungry in the rain and the cold wind. We still have kiki the piggy teen and we have a selfish evening of video games and chips and my good friend coffee.

June 16
Today we decided to have a day to work on my thesis and it felt good. We we played some pokemon moon (we are in the pokemon league building right about to challenge someone). Raiden also witnessed two evolutions all in one day (my V2 Bella is a marumimitchi, and kiki is a big haired hanerutchi adult).
Raiden is 48 years old 2 days away from being 50 years old! We are getting excited!!! We had a small running to the post office and all in all it was a good day.

June 17
One day to go until we reach age 50. Can we make it? I think the odds are in our favour. We played pokemon (beat the league finally and out pokedex is at 80% and we are working hard to finish it). We finished a chapter of my thesis only a couple to go (never mind that we have the biggest one to combat next).
Not much else to say, I started my plus colour today and my V2 evolved into marumimitchi and I love her. I guess this is what happens when you have been logging the same tamagotchi for 49 days now.

June 18
As days go this wasn’t a bad one Raiden reached 50, I forgot to take a picture to commemorate this achievement, and we had a very hard time focusing and working on my thesis but we did. Raiden is halfway to 100 how awesome is that??? Now 60 was the age range that the other long live oldies hatch had them all dropping like flies, but we are hard core. Raiden is named after a lightning god.

June 19
A close call with Raiden hungry meter empty attention icon still on and he is 51 today. I am starting to worry that these near misses are adding up and that he’s gonna be getting sick or worse.  And guess what I goofed and no pictures again…. Oops! Oh well it wasn’t the most exciting day

June 20th
Well today we watched Moana and I don’t see all the hype it’s not like it was the first disney movie to be about a girl who doesn’t fit in her parents give her bad advice and she ends up discovering who she is and saving the world with a gorilla faced guy. She had the classic animal side kick and everything. Raiden is 52 years old and said Mulan was better and so was Brave and so was a bunch of other movies. And that is our day in a nutshell.

June 21
I hope I have pictures I feel bad it’s been a few days… oops! Well Raiden is doing good 53 and still young (he plays basketball just to prove it). This was a hard day in the lab nothing is working and he understands. Oh today Bella left me her son and he is a kuribotchi named Cedric (sans the i) other than that not much to report. Hooray Raiden lives.

June 22
So if I can recall.. Raiden didn’t die on this day, instead he reached the age of 54 and one more day until he’s 55 (ain’t no party like a timelord party). He watched little cedric not get the best care but still become a UFOtchi proving your parents have something to do with how the baby grows. Oh and i totally have a picture of Raiden today
Bam! I suck a little less now right? Right? Go on admit it. Raiden didn’t die and I have pictures.
June 23
Well here we are again… same bat place same bat channel. Raiden is 55 and in his old age he loves to eat escargot and melon (they fill 2 hearts and 3 hearts respectively) so it means less running (but he still does lots and lots of running he needs to remain fit and work off all those munchies of his and he likes he monies). Clowns scare me and yet I have a clown on my P’s why…. Just why…. Second generation on my plus colour and still no rainbow can (ten tries today alone) so we curse random number generators!

June 24
Well I did it again, did I even take a picture of Raiden today? No, no I did not. Do I stand by my choices, yes yes I do. Today Raiden is 56 years old not that that is a surprise (he was 55 yesterday and he’s not dead). Sorry Apparently when there is a clown on my tamagotchi P’s I get sassy. Or maybe it was the thousands of gotchi points I spent trying to get the rainbow watering can, and still nothing. Who knows.
Today Raiden and I said goodbye to the blonde washed out fushia shock that was my hair and said hello or violet red. It looks good, I love it and so far my hair seems to like it too. And we are playing fantasy life, and thinking about getting Ever Oasis. Game play looks nice we like the idea of puzzles in the dungeons but we just aren’t sure yet.

June 25
Raiden lives to age 57 and I feel nothing but confidence that he will live to 60. I am anxiously trying to figure out how I will deal with him during the whole moving to a different province and setting up an apartment from furniture to internet, but I am sure I will figure something out. I really don’t want to have to pause him but I don’t want the whole major life changes killing him either I may have to compromise and have him just sleep for a lot, maybe have him wake up only when I can care for him, or maybe just not let him wake up. His age will be stunted but… I don’t know yet. Suggestions?
Anyways I imagine I have a couple teens who will evolve sometime today an adult who will get that final puzzle piece so I can send them on their merry way.  Also we got that rainbow watering can, after buying 10 lottery tickets (150 for one cheapest thing in the store so 1500 yes thats a lot of games to play in a row I now may hate apples) I do this once a day at least. Well today the first one the rainbow watering can then I won 2 more. Just… wow. So Time traveling to get the last two symbols to go to gotchi castle to make cash money.

June 26
Raiden is 58 years old on this fine horrendous monday. He is enjoying the hot hot sun (until his sweat pools in his wrinkles so much so he becomes a walking drowned rat of an old man). He is not enjoying my insomnia. He however did enjoy helping me write a story with a tamagotchi who in some ways is a main character but in other ways not. We have done a lot of plotting and it felt good to be writing again.
In two days Raiden will reach 60 and I have to say I am pretty Jazzed about the whole thing. I never knew he would make it this long but I am excited. He is a constant in my life and it’s comforting knowing he is there.

June 27
Well I suck! No Raiden didn’t die but he was on death’s door that’s right the death spirit was hanging around him…. Lucky me had a previous ancestor who had passed so we looked at the shrine and watched them chase away the death god! I let his hungry meter drop all the way and I guess he got sick and I didn’t heal him… I was busy and dumb. Well he is all better now. And I feel like garbage I am a garbage person.
Okay so I took a breather and looked at Raiden’s details
Life stage: Oldie
Growth: Hitodetchi - ringotchi - memetchi -- oldie (man)
Illnesses: 2 (1- baby, 2- teen no reason (possible missed discipline call)) Death God came was scared away
Near misses: 4 (empty hungry meter attention icon still on, light off attention icon still on)
Care miss: 3 (X2 hungry hearts empty attention icon off no sickness)
Current goal: Age 60
So there is no telling it the Death God will come again or not. But I hope not.

June 28
Raiden reached age 60! I still suck but I suck less today. I watched him like a hawk as I watched Cinna (her animations are so cute I would love to have the time to draw them all right now but I don’t…. Grrr but super cute a chicken working hard to flap angel wings, and wearing a graduation cap (ironic as I am finished with my master’s save for the thesis edits) and so on but what can you do?)
Today was filled with blue (specifically all over my fingers), and things working and then things not working and pain there was some of that too. Also Fall out shelter is our latest obsession.
And that is our day, Cinna the chicken with derby teeth says hello world, and Raiden is as strong as ever (although now I am paranoid that his meters are dropping faster than they did before.) And as I am typing this Cinna had a visit from the match maker and it’s a boy!

June 29
Well nobody died today and that is fantastic. I had a hard time sleeping last night, and I am in pain but I have two colonies have the DNA that I was looking for (took 3 damn weeks). Right this isn’t about me the mere human who takes care of my tamagotchi’s. Raiden is 61 today. From all of my research the 60’s are the hard ones on a tamagotchi, I don’t know why. Cinna had a baby last night and so I will have a baby boy tomorrow to care for (that’s the third one on this Tama that Raiden has seen).
My plus colour and I will be in a summer hatch that starts this Canada Day (or July 1st for the non canadian peoples of the internet) so keep an eye out for that I am very excited for it.

June 30
Raiden made it to age 62 and the end of June how awesome is that? He gets to celebrate Canada 150 with me and we get to live in the glory that is being the underdog and surprising the world, after all that’s what makes Canada so great. No one expected the little brother of the UK to do anything awesome and here we are being awesome with our hockey and basketball (it was invested in Canada) and Insulin (again discovered in Canada) and mac and cheese and maple syrup (from real maple trees not Aunt Jemima butter flavoured syrup).
Cinna left me her son to care for and I named him Cecil and after the usual crazy baby stage and we have a cute ice cream teardrop thing named Mizutamatchi. I love how he has feet.

July 1st Canada Day
Happy Birthday Canada, the country where I have the freedom to go to school and university and pursue a career of my choosing. A country that is nowhere near perfect but no is. A country that is known internationally for being kind, compassionate, and welcoming. A country where international students are excited to be here and hate to leave. A love that I have had the opportunities that I have, freedom over what I can see on the internet, in how I dress, or dye my hair. A country with education, and healthcare that doesn’t just go to those who can afford it. And I got to spend today with a group of friends from the lab, we have the BC brat the Albertan, the Malayasian, those from Pakistan and regions close to that that I don’t want to name for fear of getting it wrong.
So Raiden is 63 today and loved the hula dancing we saw (this did the lilo and stitch song and the good song from Moana). Cecil sorta was sleeping through the day…And that is our day. Also today I bought my first bottle of wine from a local winery who make fruit wines.

July 2
Happy day after Canada day filled with bug bites and edits and packing (yes packing) and a thunderstorm that was awesome. Raiden is 64 almost 65 how awesome is that halfway through the dreaded 60s.
Cecil is a nikatchi (again) and i am hoping he will follow a different growth path that Cecil the first my first gen who turned into the skinny ninja penguin.

July 3
Raiden is 65 years old he is halfway through the dreaded 60s, next comes the menacing 70s, the obleek 80s, and the dark 90s. Today I am not feeling so great to be honest. Cecil is still a nikatchi the second one on my three generations of my v3. Today we had a day off as it is the stat holiday for Canada Day so we lounged at home being lazy going nuts trying to figure out if the mouse I thought I saw was indeed a mouse.

July 4
For all those Firefly fans Happy unification day! Or for those who haven’t obtained a well rounded sci fi education happy independence Day America! Now yesterday I sucked and forgot pictures but I do have these today
Raiden is 66 over half way through the dreaded 60s and he had a care miss today. A dead empty happy meter and his back was turned to me. I fixed him right it up. It was a hard day for everyone today so I can’t blame him or me. Cecil evolve into hashizoutchi and he is adorable. I know he’s below average care but who cares he’s cute. He’s like a kuchipatchi cousin.

July 5
Raiden is 67 and an instagram sensation he has inspired a few to do a how old can I go challenge on their tamagotchis and I think that’s awesome, and no I did not plan on that honest. In three days Raiden will be 70 and clear of the dreaded 60’s can we do this? The odds are in our favour I think. Today he was a tad chubby so we ran a couple 100M sprints to thin him out, he lost the first one (apparently he was running against young pups and he didn’t stand a chance) the second race however he won. And has been parading around singing “I am the Champion” as loud as he can I should also tell you he is tone deaf.
Cecil our friendly neighbourhood friend is rocking the chubs his sprite art has given him. He reminds me of Kusatchi, like Kusatchi grows into hashizoutchi. I know crazy tamagotchi theory alert. Cecil brushes his teeth and has angel wings with the wings don’t trust? I have pictures.
(Brushing teeth )

So was he mislabeled as a poor care adult? I think so! Also he has never watched TV from what I know from watching him intently.

July 6
Raiden is 68 years old today, only two more days until he reaches 70 can we do this? The odds are in our favour. Today he is doing well despite my illness of being sick and my inability to type. I blame my head cold and the sinus pain and the feeling of being a bobble head. Cecil is also doing fine he is 5 turning 6 this evening so we are expecting the matchmaker to come either tonight or tomorrow (I am taking a sick day tomorrow todya was just too hard).

July 7
Well today I am sicker than sick, laying on my death bed sick. In other news Raiden is 69 and it is really in our favour for him to love to 70 and make it through to the end of the dreaded 60s. Cecil also had a visit from the matchmaker tonight and they had a baby girl.

July 8
Raiden is 70!!!! And we had no internet today (I watched 4 harry potter movies philosopher stone, chamber of secrets, prizoner and Azkaban and goblet of fire, of course now I want to read the books the movies just don’t get everything right how did Bill meet Fleur? Who won the Quidditch world cup? The team mascots!!! Winky! How did Barty crouch Jr. break out huh? huh!!!!!) And Raiden learned that I am deep in the Harry Potter love and yes we will read the books…. Eventually. I love them but they take time to read and I want to write on the bus…. Decisions. Cecil spent his last day with us and his baby girl. Today I surprised him with a robot and he was shocked a toy from his youth that he never had!
The attachment is huge. I remember in May when I thought reaching July would be impossible. So guess what is in july? We have a seasonal event! I think this one is star gazing or something like that. Apparently it was yesterday and I missed it…. Anyways yay! We made it!

July 9
Raiden is 71 years old and is helping the young baby Cinna go grow from baby to toddler. Raiden helped me draw out the bubbles V3 growth charts (mostly saying they don’t look like that and creepy face). And the internet is back and yay I miss the internet. And my plague has left the premises and I hope it never comes back! So in 71 days how many tama’s has raiden seen come and go? Well Lets count them: V3 (bubbles) we are on 4, V2 3, hanerutchi 1, 1 on the v4.5, one angel on the P’s 12, plus colour 4, grand total 26. Wow right? Wow. Yes I am omitting the Mix cuse I don’t have the numbers.
We are moving in just under 2 months and so we are packing and we are throwing things out and my room hasn’t been this clean in a very long time…. Oh and how many pages is my google docs document all about Raiden? 23 pages.

July 10
Today was a dreadful monday. Well it seems like that now that it’s the end of the day and and my head hurts and I am tired. Well enough about my old ladyness, Raiden is the old person you are here to read about. Well he is 72 today and a tad chubby I had a very busy day, and well noon magically turned into 3 and…. Well… Cinna is cross with me ( I let her hearts drop to 1 twice (once with the hungry and once with the happy) and she is chubby too. She evolved into hashitamatchi reminding me of a baby version of Cecil (I miss his chubs).
Aside from that… our bout of no internet and harry potter marathon lead to me finding Hogwarts is here. And I have to say I love the changes and so far the revisions are awesome. So if anyone is a crazy potterhead like I am, and always wondered what it would be like to take a class at hogwarts check it out.

July 11
Raiden is 73 years old today, and nothing remarkable happened today. Well aside from the first X file at my institution being resolved, being grown up enough to have jubjubs and tea while working. Today was a much better day in terms of Tama care. At least I think it was.  Yes everyone got fat (but I thinned them down honest), and yes sure some hearts were empty but no one had an empty meter and Cinna got lots of discipline (two praises and a time out, each time she needed a praise I thought ‘NO! I am so sorry I let your meters… oh you’re fine…. Poor thing). Anyways time to work work work!

July 12
Raiden is 74 years old and Cinna should evolve tomorrow. Today, was a decent day for tama care, the lowest Cinna’s hearts dropped was by two, and Raiden only dropped by one. So there is that and I am very thrilled. Today Cinna didn’t get cursed by the genie, she was given 1000gp (not that we need it she is Malfoy rich)
And I even have a picture today to prove Raiden lives to tell the tale of the troll in the dungeon.

July 13
A disappointing cup of tea for a disappointing- ish day. Cinna whom I thought had received decent care evolved into Gozarutchi, and I was up at 5am due to someone being sick very loudly in the bathroom. But hey! Raiden is 75! Halfway there to beat the 70s! How awesome is that? In just 5 days he will be 80! Little goals people, little goals. So my tea? It was cold as I was too busy to drink it when it was at proper drinking temperature. But I am making progress in things so I feel like like a loser which is good. I am almost done writing a chapter of the story I am writing (and I have lots of ideas… so hopefully this one will go the distance) and I haven’t played a video game since the weekend, which is what I call will power. Despite the fact that I am dying to play ACNL (long story short I had a town for a solid 6 months, then I lost it and tried to remake it and it was never same so… obviously the feelings of loss were strong so I need a clean break and I will get it! When I am done forever with my thesis and the video game ban is over).
Here is a picture of Raiden and Cinna (with an appearance of my cat)

July 14
I am so sorry I totally forgot to post (or even write my log) Raiden is 76 years old 4 days until we reach his next age goal 80! I didn’t forget the picture today so there is that.
Getting gozarutchi made me a little annoyed with my V3 yes I know I want to get as many generations as possible on it and yes I have almost all of the items and it seems like no matter what I do I get things lie gozarutchi. At least out of the bad care adults I like this one. But I really don’t feel good when I try very hard to take decent care and bam I get that. A slap in the face. So we shall see, I may trade up to a different tamagotchi all together fresh starts and all of that (music star I love this one).

July 15
Raiden is 77 years old and he got a care miss (the 5th in his long life) His happy meter was empty. I did hear him beep but I guess I thought it was the shop guy or my V3 and I sorta forgot about it….. Until I checked him and his back was to me and he was pissed off at me. Well I am so sorry babes I will try to do better. We will reach age 80! I swear it! Oldie hatches are fun and I am loving this! Cinna is 5 years old and either she will turn 6 today or tomorrow so matchmaker sometime this weekend I think, or she will come monday.

July 16
The day has finally come, it has been 78 days in the making, Raiden is 78 years old and I am being a drama llama today! In a mere two days he will be 80 years old. He is the longest living tamagotchi that I have but not the longest run of a tamagotchi (from hatch to now I have been running my P’s for 208 days and I am on my 30th continuous generation (I had some run away early on) I have obtained 25 tamatomo stamps and have raised 15 VDP characters (or pierces)). I have never had a single tamagotchi character stick around for this long the longest was on my entama but that’s due to how long the generations are (15 days per character roughly) and on my mix, (a week? Maybe two? No idea they died). So I am thrilled and very proud of myself.
How is Cinna? Well she finally aged she is now 6 so matchmaker today or tomorrow or I will keep her around for a couple of days, not so sure. I love my ninja don’t get me wrong but I am still miffed at that ( I thought I took at least average care (I guess I was wrong)). And how am I? Well I really want to play animal crossing but no video games until I am done with my thesis. Being a grown up stinks sometimes. I for sure should be done soon (I aim for before my birthday).

July 17
I hate Mondays. Raiden hates Mondays. Cinna sees mondays as a day to sleep all day. Today on this Monday Raiden is 79. Will be reach the age of 80? The odds are greatly in our favour (seeing as tomorrow he will be 80 on a great and amazing Tuesday). So that’s the skinny so far. Mondays suck and Raiden is 79.
I am not feeling so great today so let’’s hope the noodle soup helps me feel better (don’t forget my tea). I still really want to play animal crossing.. But my video game ban is still in effect.

July 18
Raiden is 80!! Who would have guessed he would stick around for so long? Not I thats who! I will admit on this day he was abandoned for several hours while i was in a meeting and well his hungry meter dropped and he got a care miss he wasn’t sick or anything so there was that. But I am so worried I will kill him.
Cinna slept in all day today with her baby (teaching him her lazy ways) at least she  was asleep and couldn’t join in on Raiden’s rant about the smoke.

July 19
Today was a lazy hazy really crazy busy sort of summer day. A really long work day mixed in with lots of smoke and extra work on top of the work. Raiden is 81 years old today and Cinna left her baby but I had to leave him for another day as I was just too busy and tired to deal with a tama baby

July 20
I should really be working but I am here for a quick update instead. Raiden si 82 years old and had a good day I have had the I am distracted by everything, why is it so hard to figure anything out on Canada post, why the hell can’t this stupid app just load stupid videos when I know the so called network error is a load of tama poo. Like seriously. But other than that we aren’t having the worst day or the best day. Cinna’s son was named Percy and he is doing all right.

July 21

Today marks the end of Raiden's long life. He was 83 today. With a heart heavy with sadness I tell you he will be truly missed and even though he has been gone for a few hours I still feel the sting of checking on him only to find that the death God had taken him away. Death is universal it comes for us all, it was only time for Raiden to depart this world and move on to the next. Celebrate his life, it's what he would have wanted. He was always full of joy and happiness. He was fond of making funny faces and helping me write, design bracelets, study magic, do science and ease me back to health. Raiden and I shared our fair share of memories and I never truly imagined a future without him.

I wholeheartedly loved my time with Raiden, and I would recommend an oldies hatch to anyone. They seem daunting, but the trick is to take it one day at a time. Set little goals and just enjoy your tama. Oldies have character and spunk. And with that, I bid you adieu as my log has finished. Thank you, everyone, who has taken part in Raiden's life even just by reading his log, cheering him on, and loving his goofy face.

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Day 28

Felix the bug passed away last night he was I am going to assume age 8 my care of him did decrease over time so I can't really get too u...