Tamagotchi P1 Guide

The Tamagotchi P1 guide

Also known as the Gen1 the first tamagotchi of all time or just the original Tamagotchi, whatever name tickles your fancy, you’ll probably hear P1 being kicked around not to sure how that name came about Pet1 perhaps?

The P1 was released in both Japanese and English, so if you’re one of those collectors that must have english on your tamagotchi, or you’re a perfectionist needing every type ever released. As far as I can tell there are minimal differences between the two, the difference lies in the secret character that can be obtained. On the Japanese version  Masktchi evolves into Oyajitchi, and on the English version Masktchi evolves into Bill.

Start up
Either it’s brand new from the package and you are feeling very lucky with those batteries or you know you have to pop the backing off and put in some batteries, the start up is pretty much the same.

Brand new (very trusting)
Pull the tab and (hopefully) you’ll see a bouncing egg and nothing will happen until you set the time

Popping in the batteries
The batteries your P1 will take are AG13/LR44 they are small button batteries and your tamagotchi will need two of them.

Now you are looking at a screen with a bouncing egg, nothing will happen until  you set the time. I have made this mistake a hundred times. I pop batteries in and wait for it to hatch and nothing happens. Then I realize I forgot to set the time. So press B (or that middle button) and the clock screen will replace your bouncing egg.

Setting the time includes the hour and the minute, hour first and minute second because otherwise would make no sense! Press A to cycle through the hours (the first button) and B to cycle through minutes. C button confirms the time you have chosen. Once you have the time set you have a very long wait of 5 minutes before your egg hatches.

It Hatched!
Out popped a cute little blob from your egg and all of a sudden you are regretting your life choices. All it does is non stop beep at you and you have no idea what you’re doing.

Regardless of your P1 being Japanese or English the menus are the same. The icons in order are:

There are two options the top: meals -- this fills your hungry meter. One meal one heart on the hungry meter and adds 1 pound to your weight. Bottom: Snacks. This is a way to fill up your happy meter, one snack, one happy heart and adds 2 pounds to your weight so watch out!

When your tamagotchi goes to sleep you will need to turn off the light, it is capable of turning it back on, but turning it off is a no way. We again have two option top is On, and bottom is off.  Don’t forget to turn off the light!

There is a single game, and all you have to do is guess which way they will turn. You are given 5 tries, if you get it right ⅗, you fill one happy heart, if you get all 5 tries (like superstar worthy) you fill 2 happy hearts. Each game drops your weight by 1 pound. A note of weight each tamagotchi has a healthy base weight it shouldn’t get too heavy as it can get sick.

Your tamagotchi will sometimes get sick, you will know by the scary menacing skull hanging over their head. If you see this give them medicine right away, sometimes you will have to give more than one dose of medicine.

Your tamagotchi will poop, everyone does. When it does you will see the cute little pile of turds on the screen just waiting for you to clean it. If a tamagotchi hangs around its poop too long it can get sick. So clean it up right away. Select this icon and see the poop just was away

It tells you things about your tamagotchi. The first screen shows the age (one day = 1 tama year)  and weight (pounds), screen 2 is the discipline level, screen 3 shows the hungry meter and lastly screen 4 shows the happy meter

Your tamagotchi  will call for attention when it truly doesn’t need it. So whenever it beeps check it’s status meters if they are full (or have at least one filled of each hungry and happy) then they need a discipline. This is like training it to only call you when it truly needs you (say it’s starving for food and love).

So now you know the basics of how to care for your needy blob you are in for one hectic hour, the baby stage is the most demanding. Once you have passed the ~ hour you will find your toddler is a lot less demanding.

Now you are thinking well can I mute it cuse the beeping is really getting on my nerves and to that I say yes you can, you need to press A and C at the same time and a sound menu will pop up top is on and bottom is off. Just don’t forget to turn it back on!
You can also set the clock, by going to the clock screen and press A and C at the same time. This can be used as a pause function. Nothing will happen to your tamagotchi as long as it is paused, so your evolution times will change.

So here is a growth chart that I found in a quick google search it is not mine I am not so creative to make one on my own, and I rather like this one.

A breakdown on how to get each one
Mametchi: Healthiest so the best possible care. Don’t let those meters empty he never gets sick, he never sits with poop.
Ginjirotchi: Second healthiest character, so like mametchi but maybe you let something slide a little bit
Maskutchi: He’s not so healthy, the ball was dropped maybe he got sick… or maybe you forgot all about your tamagotchi I don’t know but he sure is cute
Kuchipatchi: So you didn’t do so hot in taking care of your toddler but you made up for it with super awesome care for your teen! You redeemed yourself
Noyorotchi: Well you tried to redeem yourself and… well things happened
Tarokotchi: Well at least he’s not dead right? He’s just super unhealthy

Now what?
You have your adult and you have to live with whatever you got, and now your thinking well now what? Well you just keep on keeping on. Take care of them until they die. There is no match maker in this one. As they get older they get needier. So good luck! How old can you get your P1 to be? Can you get a secret character?

Secret character:

Once you have maskutchi it seems the best way to get Bill/ Oyajitchi is to give 100% perfect care, fill the meters the second the drop clean poop asap, give discipline as needed. Turn off the lights when needed and no sleeping with poop. Keep this up until his discipline is 100%, then he will get sick, this is a signal he will change soon. He will either change that day before he goes to bed or in the morning. The change occurs from age 9-12. Most of the time it will happen around 10.

1 comment:

  1. cool i have a tamagotchi it died 3 times and i didint fully know how to take care of it now i do so my tamagotchi will survive longer now!


Day 28

Felix the bug passed away last night he was I am going to assume age 8 my care of him did decrease over time so I can't really get too u...