The Morino Guide

The Bug Tamagotchi Guide!
The morino, like the angelgotch was a really unique release, this time taking a look at the forest floor for the tamagotchi’s that live there. Interestingly enough this one was intended to get released in America by the name Tamagotchi Garden, but sadly it just never came to pass.

In this tamagotchi you raise various different kinds of bug tamagotchi, it is the first tamagotchi to have a screen saver, and some other interesting notes, weight and temperature of the cocoon indicate the adult you will get. Like the angelgotch this tamagotchi has it’s own set of chirps and beeps. Unlike the angelgotch there are predators that will hurt your tamagotchi so you must scare them away!

Starting up!
The start up is the same as it has been with previous vintage tamagotchis, you pop in the batteries or pull the tab with as much flourish as you can manage, and you see a bouncing egg. As you have been trained to do, go to the clock screen (button B) and set the time, A to cycle through the hours and B to cycle through the minutes and C to stand by your choices. Don’t be me and keep pressing B thinking that will set the time, it won’t.

Now that you have the clock set you have to pick an egg! That’s right there are two eggs on this one and yes they lead to different evolutionary paths. The spotted egg leads to a single adult and the white egg opens you up to a variety of choices and secret adults! I always choose the spotted egg when I want the adult or I want a more relaxed run through on my morino. I would say if its your first run and you want to get a taste for the morino the spotted egg is the way to go.

Once you select your egg, you will have the classic 5 minute wait for your egg to hatch, dance party, make coffee, make tea, have a cat nap, try to figure out what to watch on netflix look through your books, do whatever it is you do to kill 5 minutes.

It hatched!
So as always the egg hatches this time you get a cute little worm and you are filled with the same panic always, what do I do now?! Well knowing what the icons are and what they do is always a good start. As every baby just needs food love and to play games and attention.


This is the classic tamagotchi meter filled with everything you need to know to take care of your little worm. First you will see how hungry he is (leaves not hearts a cute touch), next we will see how happy your tama is (again in leaves). Next comes age (in days) and weight (mg) **may change to length when you have an adult, I just can’t remember** A note on weight bigger is better.

Unlike other tamagotchis there isn’t the typical meal and snack choice. You see the food you want to give your bug (as in a sprite for leaves and cherries and so on). The foods available change as your bug does. A hint to help your bug bulk up, avoid the leaves whenever you can the other food options add 2 mg not just one (leaves do 1 mg). I like the visuals of your food items.

The game is the only way to fill the happy meter (well besides waiting for a predator to want to squish him and you having to go save him). You need to guess which leaf the seed is hidden under, there are 4 leaves. A to cycle through the choices and B to select. I have noticed that there is a bit of a pattern with finding the seed, but it changes each game. You need to find the seed 2/4 times to win 2 happy hearts. ** hint you can cancel the game before it ends and it won’t affect the weight**

Bugs poop too. So when they do make a mess they need you to clean it up with the typical tamagotchi style toilet. Click it and bam the screen gets clean. Your bug will go ~ every 3 hours.

There are predators, after all you are raising a cute little bug and the world is big and filled with terrors. The predators are a person who steps on them and a frog who wants to eat them. They will call for you when a predator is near and you will actually see the predator a foot or a frog. To scare them away you tap the shell of your morino, there is no selecting this icon as it’s like the attention icon. Predators tend to keep a clock and they come about every 4 hours when they are awake predators sleep to so none come when your bug sleeps** when a predator wins your bug will be wrapped up in bandages and leaning on a crutch super cute**

When they get sick or injured from a predator you need to heal them. It can take up to 4 doses to make him right a rain again.

When it’s time for your bug to sleep they curl up under a leaf and try to sleep. They need you to turn off the light (top is on bottom is off) in the morning they are buzzing with energy and can manage to turn it on all on their own.

Attention icon:
A visual way to know he needs you. As you won’t see your bug until you press a button (screen saver), and what if you miss his chirps? What if you can’t here them? An icon of course. This is the same as the other tamagotchi.

The screen saver:
This is really cute and one of the many reasons I love this cute little bug tamagotchi After 5 seconds of you not pushing buttons it will pop up and you will see two trees and something buzzing around between them. This is like zooming out on your bug and you are watching them buzz around.

Instead of having a rebellious teenager, your toddler worm will turn into a cocoon, and for 24 hours you need to watch the temperature. If it is too hot it dies, too cold it dies. This stage also decides which adult you get.Cocoons are divided up by weights, and each cocoon leads to two adults based on temperature.

Like all tamagotchis this one can be paused by going to the clock and set the time (A and C) as long as you are in the set the time mode nothing will happen
And you can mute them too!

Growth chart:
I have made mentions of the growth of this tamagotchi and now I think we need a growth chart I found this awesome one at gotchi garden and so here it is. Again I did not make it, I am not that creative or ambitious (she says as she makes her own community and writes her own collection of guides)

This is the growth chart that I always go to. It makes it quite clear of what is it that I need to do to get a certain cute little bug. The cocoons are arranged from the heaviest to the lightest I think I have the weights written out somewhere so when I find those I will share them. I also plan on running this cute bug eventually...... but when I do you will read all about it and I will update this accordingly 

My guide to getting certain characters:
Koganetchi -50-40 mg before cocoon - keep it hot*
Tentochi - 50-40mg before coccoon - keep it on the cool side*

* this does not mean keeping it the hottest or coldest possible that will probably kill your bug you want to keep the temperature either on the hot side of the middle of the bar or on the cool side of the middle. You will want to check the temp every few hours (1-2 ish) and I tend to keep it between the hot/cool side of the meter and in the middle 

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Day 28

Felix the bug passed away last night he was I am going to assume age 8 my care of him did decrease over time so I can't really get too u...